Bias: Normally the pitch estimator will select the enabled note closest to the measured pitch.The exact value is displayed whenever this control is touched, and can be set in steps of 0.2 Hz. This will be the default 440 Hz in most cases. Tuning: This sets the frequency corresponding to 'A' pitch, in other words the required tuning.MIDI Panic: Reset any 'hanging' MIDI notes.MIDI channel selection: Select the MIDI channel to respond to.Auto (default): If no MIDI notes are on, use the static, fixed set of notes (left click to toggle).If none, use any note on the chromatic scale.

The following operation modes are supported: The keyboard also indicate the current note as selected by the pitch estimator. Left-click allows to en/disable individual notes, and right-click on the keyboard brings up a dialog to select common major/minor scales. The scale consists of up to 12 notes (1 octave), which are set and indicated on keyboard Hovering the mouse over label below a control displays a tooltip with information.ĪT1 re-tunes the input signal to the note closest in the configured scale. The Ctrl key allows for fine-grained control when dragging or using the mouse-wheel on a knob. Right-click on knob: toggle current value with default, 2nd click restore.Click + drag on knob: up/left to increase, down/right to decrease.The control knobs respond to mouse click and mouse-drag movements: The main differences to zita-at1 are that the LV2 plugin version reports its latency to the host, saves the state with the session and the MIDI input has sidechain semantics. The 'expected' pitch can be controlled by MIDI, or be a fixed set of notes. So it should be used to correct small errors only and not to really transpose a song.ĪT1 can probably be used on some instruments as well, but is primarily designed to cover the vocal range. It works by resampling and looping the signal and does not include formant correction, X42-autotune (aka fat1.lv2) is an auto-tuner based on Fons Adriaensen'sĪT1 is intended to correct the pitch of a voice singing (slightly) out of tune.